Thursday, August 6, 2009

New Moon

New moon comes out in November!!! I can't wait can you?! Yay! New Moon! New Moon! New Moon!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Calisle and Esme

Carlisle and Esme. They look pretty good together. But they aren't very famous. Well they are. If you saw their names some where this would be the first thing you think about. But what I mean is that they aren't really that big. Now it might be different with you. Esme might just be your fave. But they are just like quiet charcters in the back ground. You don't hear much of them. Unles the scene is meant spacifically for them. You know what I mean. They don't really look like they would go out in real life. Some thing just doesn't look quite right with them. Maybe it's something about one of them. But I don't know. They probaby get along pretty good in real life though.

I'm Not Dissing

Just so all you readers out there know, I'm not dissing on Twilight or any of the cast members. I love Twilight and would never do anything to want to discourage you from liking them. I'm just telling you things that I know about them. And commenting. I truly am a really big fan. I think it's "neat" I guess, that I know all of this stuff. And that all of it as far as I know is true. So don't think I'm a disser. I'm just a big Twilight gossiper.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Are Bella and Rosalie Friends?

No. Bella and Rosalie are not really friends. In the movie anyway. Real life, now that's a different story. Kristen Stewart and Nikki Reed like to hang out all the time. They go shopping and talk on the phone and every thing. They are really good friends. I've spotted them at the store just hangin' out and talking. Being pretty normal. Just like normal friends. They just met in a not so normal way. I guess Nikki isn't really like Rosalie after all. Or is Kristen nothing likev Bella? Just kidding. :)

Rosalie and Emmet

I know it's just a movie, but still. I don't see how Emmet and Rosalie could ever be together. Besides from the fact that she saved his life. They have nothing in common. He is fun loving and always makes fun of Bella being human. And he makes fun of the things she does even after becoming a vampire. You can tell he totally loves Bella and is really cool. Rosalie, on the other hand, is nothing of the same. In my opinion, she is an evil witch. She would have let Bella die for her baby. I love Renesmee too, but I don't know. It doesn't seem right. She and Bella have had a couple of heat-to-heart moments. I mean, who couldn't slitely love Bella. Anyway, she never likes to have fun. She is overly prissy and I think she is selfish. I really can't see them together. ... Anyway, I really hope She is nothing like that in really life.

Alice and Jasper

Don't you think they look so good together. I mean just look at them. They are both good at playing weird in the movie. And they seem to have a lot of chemistry on set too. They look good together. I wonder if they will ever end up together in real life. I think they should. But than again, I'm sure they could get any one they wanted. Who knows, they might be really good friends in really life. But "wat evs" :)

Sunday, April 12, 2009

How Does Robert Get His Hair Like That?

How does he get his hair to look like that? Many people ask that. Most people have the wrong answer. He doesn't put a bottle of hair jell in his hair every week. He does something so simple. But also really gross. Let's just say it's all natural. He... doesn't... wash his hair. Last time I cheched, he hadn't washed his hair for 6 weeks. He said that he knows it's gross. And it is, isn't it. But you can hardly tell. And... I don't think it matters all to much. At least he washes it sometimes. Right? I bet we all still love him just as much. Even though we now know his dirty little secret.