I know it's just a movie, but still. I don't see how Emmet and Rosalie could ever be together. Besides from the fact that she saved his life. They have nothing in common. He is fun loving and always makes fun of Bella being human. And he makes fun of the things she does even after becoming a vampire. You can tell he totally loves Bella and is really cool. Rosalie, on the other hand, is nothing of the same. In my opinion, she is an evil witch. She would have let Bella die for her baby. I love Renesmee too, but I don't know. It doesn't seem right. She and Bella have had a couple of heat-to-heart moments. I mean, who couldn't slitely love Bella. Anyway, she never likes to have fun. She is overly prissy and I think she is selfish. I really can't see them together. ... Anyway, I really hope She is nothing like that in really life.
Yeah. I totally don't see it either.